Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

#Little Journey 6

Which I know Indonesia
Now is not in good condition
Because leaders can no longer lead

Corruption and various problems
Indeed make Indonesia
Increasingly being cornered

There is still a young children
Who want to move
To Indonesia's progress

Indonesia advanced to the youth
Indonesia advanced to the ability of youth

#Great Indonesia

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

#Little Journey5


Nothing impossible with hard work. Insyaallah, with Allah’s help and guidance our efforts will be even more effective.

We are created equal. Anyone has the chance to be excellent. As long as we are willing to work harder, willing to commit, insyaallah we’ll get it.


Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

#Little Jouney4

# Reading

with reading
I can see the world ...
I understand about the lives of the kings
I understand the importance of life

By reading ...
Leaders can learn to lead
Leaders can understand about the world
Leaders can also know about his mistake

By reading ...
The world will know ...
Who work sincerely

#Little Journey 3

about optimistic

Often when doubts arise should take steps
Hearts feel doubt, when self has been prepared.
Hearts lost its way

We need an optimistic attitude
To live
and it could be born ...
of strong faith
and nearby self

Allah will give optimistic
strengthen the spirit
To survive
and of the optimistic attitude
Works and changes ...

in this life
and the world ....

Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

#Little Journey2

For me to live is series of long journey, Every job that I live ..I can learn about hard work and I can learn about patience, and sincerity in prayer. Today I want to continue my life better.

in this year

I have a lot to write a book, memorize al quran, following the conference ,read the journal and have completed the final task (skripsi) .

and I think ...

Indonesian youths should now be able to compete
Global level, need a good capacity.

Only with sincerity and hard work
Goodness can be realized

# Professional

#Little Journey

#Little Journey

Seasons change as you hope they would last . Mist evaporates in theunlight whose rays will the winter chill freeze .The Traveller ever stays long enough to unpack her belongings . Her Journey is one without an end. To a destination where the seasons ceas to be- Desi Anwar/ The Most Journalist Indonesia
“ Saya pikir setiap orang yang duduk di pelataran gedung … maupun dipinggiran teras mushola , bukanlah orang-orang yang banyak melamun atau tak punya agenda untuk menjalani hari-hari hidupnya… Yang aku yakini , mereka sedang memikirkan tentang suatu masa yang itu belum mampu mereka pegang, dan itu disebut masa depan ..”

Mushola FIB , 8.30 Pagi. 23 Mei 2013.

Do not fear death, for it is only a passage way opening up onto another street, a bridge to another store- Desi Anwar /The Most Journalist Indonesia

Pekerja-pekerja itu, tidak hanya membanting tangan mereka untuk mematahkan kayu dan besi-besi hitam … mereka juga mematahkan kelemahannya, agar tetap bekerja untuk membiayai masa depan keluarga … “

Masjid Nuruzzaman, 7.30 Pagi. 23 Mei 2013. 

Senin, 20 Mei 2013


That's word is Greatest Idea !!!, inspirasionalisme new paradigm for my life, which capable make a power in my dream and my idealism. So far I can see my vision with Inspirasionalisme, grew from Indonesia and my nation.

Inspirasionalisme can be new inspiration for All People in Indonesia, and Indonesian Human's need a passion ini his life. Love Indonesia is imperetive not underpressure but that's appear from dedication and self awareness.

Inspirasionalisme can be imagine for New Indonesia, should not a Celebration of the Hari Kebangkitan Nasional, but everday and every time all people can production  masterpiece for better future Indonesia .
